Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5 - Nanners Manners (poem/song) - 1/5/2015

Here's a poem I wrote today. It might turn into a MisterSeth song at some point.  For now it's a poem.

You probably can't read that (picture quality + my handwriting) so here are the words!

Nanners Manners

Manner are like nanners
both should come in a bunch.
They have appeal for every meal.
So have them both for lunch.

It can be fun to make a pun
but some people think it's rude.
Please mind your nanners manners
and say "thank you" for your food.

This is one of my many attempts to write like Shel Silverstein. I was going to make a MisterSethSongs video of this poem/song with an egg shaker that's banana shaped, but then I remembered that it was my mom's and at her house... not here. Maybe I'll use it if I ever turn this into an actual song.

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