Thursday, January 30, 2014

What to do with the Stubs?

Look at that thing. Isn't it great? I got the idea from Pinterest.

For most of my life I've loved ticket stubs. Early on it was mostly movie ticket stubs because I didn't go to many other events that required tickets until I was a teenager. Then, as a teen, I started liking other kinds of ticket stubs as well.

But my love of ticket stubs didn't extend much beyond keeping them in coat pockets or my wallet until they fell apart or got lost. I didn't have any kind of real collection of stubs, but I didn't want to throw them away either. They weren't sacred items, just pleasant reminders of entertainments past.

I thought about collecting them in a scrapbook or one of those photo albums with the sticky cardboard pages that have a plastic film you lift, stick things to the page, and then trap them with the film, but ultimately they weren't important enough for me to keep track of them long enough for me to organize them.

Then I saw something very similar to the photos above on Pinterest.

I liked this idea. It was a way to collect ticket stubs without the hassle of arranging them in a scrapbook. It was a way to haphazardly display my love cum collection. It appealed to my love of clutter.

I desperately wanted to make one!

Princess Melawesome and I drove to Michaels and I spent more money than I probably should have on a shadow box.
I cut a hole in the back.

Then, unlike the collection box I saw on Pinterest, I covered my poorly-cut hole with a piece of fabric onto which I ironed an iron-on image of my favorite kind of tickets: the "Admit One" tickets.

And thus my Ticket Stub Collection was born!

It's not just ticket stubs. I also put any interesting programs from shows or lectures, lobby cards, or anything else that has to do with entertainments past that tickle my fancy. But there are also plenty of ticket stubs: lots of movies, concerts, the State Fair, and even some from the Disneyland FASTPASS!

My ticket stubs still spend days, weeks, even a couple months in my pockets or wallet before I remember to add them to the Collection, but they usually find their way before they get lost.

If you love ticket stubs, I encourage you to make one of your own!

For more Ticket Stub fun check out Sir Mike's article on his Ticket Stub Collection!

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