Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Pizza Hut TMNT Michelangelo Pizza Review!

A few weeks ago Bryan Trusty told me that Pizza Hut was going to have 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles promotional pizzas with turtle-specific toppings. I haven't been a fan of Pizza Hut for many years, but Bryan asked me to do a review. So I tried. Princess Melawesome and I went out that weekend to order the Michelangelo (my favorite TMNT). But the Pizza Hut we went to didn't seem to know what we were talking about. So we just got a pepperoni stuffed crust.

I didn't see any TMNT decorations or ads or anything in the building. The website had them listed, but only the turtle names and the pictures of the pizzas. No pictures of the turtles. I do know they had a commercial:

(there should be a video above, as long as it's on youtube)

But that was it. Nothing in Pizza Hut, not much of anything on their website.

We waited a week.

Then in Target I saw this:

So we searched around for another Pizza Hut to try. They weren't quite sure whether or not the pizzas were official available yet. But they made us the Michelangelo anyway:

As described on the Pizza Hut site:

Michelangelo's Favorite Pizza

Known as the jokester, this one gets a little crazy with seasoned pepperoni, smoked ham, sweet pineapple and spicy jalapenos.

It was really good! I was a bit surprised because I don't usually care for pineapple on pizza, but I'd order it again! I also recommend that you check it out, especially if you're a TMNT fan.

Our waitress said that the pizzas would be available and promoted more when the movie comes out. I hope it is and that there are things like Ninja Turtle carry out boxes and the like. I would love to get another Mikey pizza, or maybe one of each, in a special box.

I don't know what to make of the new movie. I plan to go see it, even if it gets terrible reviews. I'll reserve judgement until I've actually seen it. Even if it's terrible (worse than "The Next Mutation" or the "Coming Out of Their Shells Tour", even) I'm glad it's coming out because of promotional goodies like this.

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