Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sites I love: Geek Sites!

As geek has become chic (Sheik, like the Iron variety!) there have been many, many, MANY geeky websites that have... become... around...

Here are my favorites (besides pondercouch).

1. Geekologie

Geekologie is always one of my first stops when I'm looking for some internet geekery! They often post the same geek-related stories as other geek news sites, but I like the guy's self deprecating slant and recurring jokes about hating robots (because they'll kill us all) and wanting to sex up dinosaurs!

2. Strange Kids Club

The Strange Kids Club posts lots of geeky nostalgia such as 80s horror, cartoons, and stuff like that. Right now they are doing a month of TMNT posts! They have also put out a zine (4 issues so far!)! The store also has exclusive toys, shirts, and other crazy crap for Strange Kids.

The SKC put up an article about my collection of defictionalized products and my Monster Cereals drawings for a contest, so I'm a bit biased towards this site.

3. Cereal Prize

Cereal Prize is a site much like Ponder Couch in that it is all about stuff that Topher Grace (Eric from "That 70's Show") likes. He likes a lot of the same kind of stuff I like. In fact, he recently put up a list of defictionalized products!

and finally:

4. Dinosaur Dracula!

This is my favorite site on the internet!

I have referred to DinoDrac in a few other pondercouch posts, and will probably continue to do so as it inspires more posts.

DD is all about stuff that Matt's interests, which run the gammet... gammut... gamet. which run the race to the finish line. From dinosaurs, draculas, and other scary monsters and horror movies, to kitschy candy containers and soda can art, DD covers many of the things I love in my deepest geeky heart.

Each year he spends the holiday months focusing on all things Halloween and Christmas!

Before DD Matt ran the site X-entertainment, which was pretty much the same site as DD, just written by a younger person with less website savvy. I was unaware of X-entertainment until I found out about DD. Many other sites have stolen pictures from different X-entertainment articles, which is a shame.

Anyway, I could go on and on about how much I love DinosaurDracula and wish it would update every day. Unfortunately I don't think Matt makes any money off of the site, so he can't focus on it every day and sometimes it goes weeks or over a month without and update.

Yep, it updates as sporadically as the ponder couch. Although, if I had as many followers and committed readers, I'd probably update more consistently.

Check out those geek sites and feel free to comment with other suggestions or just to say hi!


  1. Hey dude - thanks for considering SKC as one of your top 5 online hangouts! We seem to be in good company too. :)

  2. You absolutely are! Thank you for letting me into the clubhouse!

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