Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Flag for the Ponder Couch!

I love the podcast "99 Percent Invisible" and listen to their podcast frequently. On a recent episode titled "Vexillonaire" they talked about people who love and study flag design (it's a radio show about all aspects of design. Design is EVERYWHERE!) and the Vexillologists laid out 5 simple rules for flag design:

1. Keep it simple
2. Use meaningful symbolism
3. Use two to three basic colors
4. No lettering or seals of any kind.
5. Be distinctive

I decided to design a flag for the Ponder Couch! Here 'tis

I've always wanted my own flag! And I really like how this turned out. I think I followed all of the Vexillological rules to the best of my MS Paint abilities.

The light blue represents the sky. This is a reference to my comic strip "Ponder and Enlightening" which is where the Ponder Couch idea originated. And the redish-brownish shapes are meant to represent a couch. I hope that is how it reads.

The podcast also mentioned another thing to do to check if your flag is a good flag. "Here’s a trick: if you want to design a kickass flag, start by drawing a one-by-one-and-a half inch rectangle on a piece of paper.
A design at these dimensions held 15 inches from your eye looks about the same as a three-by-five foot flag on a flagpole a hundred feet away. Your design has to work within that tiny rectangle, because unlike other designed objects, a flag is usually seen at a distance. It is also often in motion and partially obscured."
So I made a smaller version:

I couldn't figure out how to make it 1 inch by 1.5 inches, but I think this is pretty close. Get up from your computer, walk back 15 inches or so. Or, if you're reading this on a smart-device hold it at arm's length. Does it still read as a fancy version of a couch? I think it does.

But I will never really know until someone makes one for me out of polyester or heavyweight 2x2 ply mercerized cotton flag material. Are there any vexillographers out there who want to make one and send it to me? Contact me at!

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